NaTis Karibib Contact Details

Here are the telephone number, address, services available and opening hours for Natis Karibib office.

The Karibib NaTIS contact number

064 550 016

The Natis Karibib office is located on the B2 between 2nd Street and 3rd Street Karibib.

Services Available at Natis Karibib

  1. Learners and Drivers Licence
  2. Motor Vehicle Licensing
  3. Roadworthy Testing of Motor Vehicles

Karibib NaTIS Office Hours of Business


Karibib NaTIS Location

The Karibib NaTIS office and the Karibib NaTIS testing ground are at separate locations. We have included maps for both locations to help you find them. The testing ground is situated just off 5th Street, while the Office is situated on the main B2 highway, between 2nd Street and 3rd Street.

Map for the Location of the Karibib NaTIS Office

Map for the Location of Karibib NaTIS Testing Ground

For a further list of Natis locations in Namibia, click this link.